At least, that's the way it seems to be in the court of public opinion and the bleeding-heart BC media. I'm of course talking about the shooting last week of Michael Vann Hubbard, the homeless man who when questioned about a near-by robbery pulled out a box-cutter and advanced on two VPD officers. Let me give an overview of exactly how this sad circus has played out:
At first, the media was consumed with Adam Smolcic, the pot activist who claimed the cops erased his cell phone video of the incident that would have shown that Vann Hubbard was cooperating with police and was not aggressive. Global BC paraded Smolcic, who by the way is described on this myspace page as "The Marijuana Awareness Initiatives Rev. Adam Smolcic" (http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=137195536&blogId=478670868) on to every newscast and even paid for his cellphone to be sent to a forensics expert to recover the deleted files. Never mind that Smolcic was high at the time or that other witnesses reported Vann Hubbard advancing on the officers. Ridiculous! The VPD behaved admirably in light of all this, remaining silent, not commenting on the furor in the public square over this. The VPD broke that silence over the weekend, albeit unintentionally, when an internal VPD memo was leaked in which it becomes clear that security cameras around the area show a very different story from that of 'Reverend' Smolcic. According to Chief Jim Chu, the officers talked calmly with the man until he pulled out a exposed razor blade and advanced on them. The officers drew their guns but backed away and tried to calm Mr. Vann Hubbard while also warning bystanders to be careful and back away. Only after his continued aggression was a single shot, not the several shots Smolcic claimed, was fired. In fact, the VPD has no evidence that Mr. Smolcic was even at the incident or that he witnessed anything at all! If this version of events proves to be true, and I expect it will, the law should be unleashed in full against Smolcic. His false charges and accusations were surely some form of obstruction of justice and quite certainly slanderous against the officers and the VPD. Making false claims such as these, whether it was to garner some sad form of fame or accidentally out of some pot-induced drug confusion, should be taken seriously and punished seriously.
I've included a lovely photo of Mr. Smolcic who also describes his heroes as "Me, Myself, and I" designates himself as a "Swinger" and notes that his education includes a major in Pot and a minor in Alcohol. The Rev. is apparently also "right now listening to alot of electronica."