The new CBC News Network show "Power & Politics" made an embarrassing debut today when it covered the enviro-activists who disrupted Parliament today with their shouts and demands. I don't have a problem with the how covering the story, it was newsworthy, in so much that a bunch of provocateurs disrespected the central democratic institution in our country to get their eco-activism heard. Where CBC and host Evan Soloman went wrong is that they immediately brought a group of the protesters onto the show. This move suggests that the CBC misplaced its judgement when it switched studios over the weekend as giving these protesters a forum on live, national television only serves to encourage future activists to besiege Parliament to get their messages out. What's the consequence of breaking protocol and shouting at the House of Commons from the gallery? You get a live news segment. And in a flabbergasting display, CBC allowed one of the eco-activists to come on the show covered in cuts and blood, spouting off about his "mistreatment" at the hands of Parliament security. The CBC should have demanded the man wash up before appearing on the show. Allowing him to appear as he did is cheap sensationalism at its worst. Giving the protesters a forum to voice their concerns is bad enough, but to participate in such a stunt as to parade a bloodied and bruised protester onto live television to attack the government, the House, and security officials is appalling. If this is the "new" CBC, count me out.