Friday, April 25, 2008

Give me a break!

Yet again people in the media and the Obama campaign are whining about Hillary Clinton's new ad:

Did you see what's so offensive? Did you figure out how that is "fear-mongering" and low? It's because for one second (literally) there was a clip of Osama Bin Laden. I can't believe the audacity of some people to rip on Hillary for this ad. What is wrong with it? It's a legitimate and effective commercial. Yes, bin Laden is in it, but so is JFK and FDR, and clips of old warehouses and gas pumps. Is it too underhanded to show pictures of gas pumps too, Mr. Obama?
I especially find it absurd that the Obama campaign would decry the bin Laden reference when their own candidate has taken such a firm stance on bin Laden. Obama says troops from Iraq should be moved to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban and he's said that he would call for military attacks in Pakistan to fight bin Laden even if Pakistan did not authorize it.
My goodness, what is there left to campaign on for Hillary? She can't question Obama's experience, because it's an "attack." She can't run ads because its "fear-mongering.". And she can't debate policies and issues because Obama refuses to do any more debates. I guess since Obama couldn't stop the primaries early, he's going to stop the campaign. Now THAT'S change we can believe in, alright.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great assessment. The media is coddling Obama, but that will end. Terrorism and Osama Bin Laden are still real issues. The claims from 'liberals' that this is fear mongering is exactly why Democrats continue to lose the foreign policy and national security debate and thus lose elections.

Hillary can go toe-to-toe with McCain on this issue, Obama can't, and that's why he is claiming "fear-mongering."