Saturday, February 13, 2010

Olympic Protesters A Sad Display

The 2010 Olympics kicked off yesterday with a great opening ceremony. However, during the final day of the torch relay, the route was interrupted several times by a sad display: olympic protesters. This ragtag group of provocateurs have been chomping at the bit to have their 15 minutes of fame and shine a light on their cause. And what is their cause? Well, judging byt the signs and placcards yesterday, it includes everything from homelessness to the oil sands, from native land claims to a corporate new world order. I even saw a "free Marc Emery" poster for god's sake. This isn't an organized protest against a particular issue, this is a group of rowdy anarchists and activists bent on complaining about something--the olympics is just the cause de jour. If we weren't hosting this international event, you can bet your bottom dollar they would have found something else to complain about. There will be no pleasing the constant griping of Vancouver's protesters. If the government gave them all a $1000, they'd demand more. If we build them houses, they'll march to City Hall for better furniture. If the skies opened up and rainbows and puppy dogs flooded the city, they'd probably be bitching about the bright lights and the noise. It's time we stop giving these people a soapbox everytime they demand one, especially when they don't even have a coherent message and there's nothing they can accomplish. The Olympics are here, that's certainly not going to change now. These "activists" had a city-wide referendum and numerous elections at all government levels to try and convince people of their beliefs. They didn't. People support the games. We can squabble over costs here and there, but the deed is done and the vast majority of people support it. Now here's hoping these fringe protesters don't get any more publicity during the next 2 weeks, lest the world leave Vancouver thinking all we have are pot-heads, drug addicts and whiners.

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