Mr. Nicholson,
I am writing to express my strong support FOR the extradition of Marc Emery. I understand that a small group of MPs, unfortunately including one of your own Conservative colleagues, has presented a petition to you and asked for you not to sign the extradition order for Mr. Emery. Mr. Nicholson, I urge you to sign that extradition order. Marc Emery is a cheap provocateur and a tacky rabble-rouser. He clearly was not satisfied with the kid-glove treatment he has been getting from Canadian authorities for years, which I also do not support, and smugly decided to try his hand at selling drugs across an international border into the United States. It is well within the jurisdiction on the United States to punish Mr. Emery for these actions and Canada must not stand in the way. If Canada is to continue to be taken seriously on the international stage, we cannot cheapen our diplomatic efforts by refusing to honour our extradition treaties. Under the Extradition Act, we would have to claim that the United States has conducted "unjust or undue or oppressive actions" in order to justify refusing the extradition request and that is absurd. Marc Emery is petty agitator who rolled the dice and must now face the consequences of his actions. Let us not legitimize his "activism" by refusing the extradition request.
Thank you,
-Cory Redekop
1 comment:
Hear! Hear! Scoflaw Emery, you do not pass Go; you go directly to the U.S. hoosegow.
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