Kash Heed the on again, off again, on again (and now off again) Solicitor General of BC has stepped down again. Kash Heed stepped down the first time because controversial (and it turns out, illegal) campaign literature attacking his opponent was sent out to voters in his riding. When this news broke, Mr. Heed did the honorable thing; Mr. Heed said he didn't know anything about the flyers, but stepped down anyways while a special prosecutor looked into it. Good job. The special prosecutor then came back and said Mr. Heed was clear of any wrongdoing, but several others involved in his campaign broke election laws, notably his campaign manager and his financial agent. Now, while this may raise legitimate concerns over Mr. Heed's judgement and his abilities to manage a campaign, let alone a ministry, the story should have ended there. Unfortunately, the premier reinstated Mr. Heed into cabinet a tad quickly it would seem, because the special prosecutor now has admitted a conflict of interest: the law firm he works for donated to Heed's campaign. Sigh. So Mr. Heed had to resign yet again, because the investigation may have been tainted. And thus, a scandal that should have died a quiet death has new life breathed into it. This really shouldn't have been a big issue but it fits the current narrative of a government in turmoil, a party on the ropes. The funny thing is that the government really did nothing wrong on this file. Mr. Heed resigned when he should have. An investigation was called. Mr. Heed was reinstated when he was found innocent. And with the new information, there really was no other choice but for him to resign again. But my, oh my, when it rains it pours.
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