Thank heavens there are some politicians who have their head screwed on straight and aren't steeped in political correctness. Today, Treasury Board President, MP Stockwell Day announced that the federal government would not be entertaining the idea of renaming the gem of Vancouver, Stanley Park, to Xwayxway Park. I must admit, if i wasn't the one who just wrote it, I would never have believed that last sentence. What kind of harebrained scheme was this anyways? What benefit would there be to changing a world-renowned name that is steeped in heritage and history. In fact, native leaders should be ashamed of themselves for doing so, as it betrays their own people. Aboriginals in Canada face myriad hardships and their communities are often plagued by problems. Whereas native leaders should be working on building up their communities, investing in their young people, and forging cultural and economic ties with other communities, they are instead spending their efforts thinking up red-herrings like this. All the name changes in the world, whether to Salish Sea, or Hadai Gwaii or XwayXway, won't solve the problems facing today's aboriginal and appeasement of this kind, where we try to symbolically make up for the past, accomplishes very little. The Conservative government lived up to its namesake today, and thankfully refused to throw away a century of history and tradition to score cheap political points.
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