Well, Metro Vancouver's professional agitator and activist class has another pet project to fill its time. There never seems to be a shortage of people to protest....everything. Stanley cup playoffs, safe-injection site Supreme Court rulings, beginnings of Pickton inquiries, and now corporate greed, or whatever it is they are protesting against.

nd that is the big problem with the "Occupy" protests. Despite the Left's attempts to compare the protests with the Tea Party movement, there are few discernible objectives or goals of this uprising. Look at the Occupy Vancouver group's mantras: "we are the 99%," and "end corporate greed." What do those slogans mean? Nothing. Like most of these protests, Occupy Vancouver is made up of bored old hippies, entitled college kids, and aggrieved minorities and their demands run the gamut of more organic farming, less war, lower housing costs, higher taxes, arrest George Bush, Free Mark Emery, and you can guess the rest. This is typical left-wing whining about everything under the sun.

Where the Tea Party in the US took real legislative concerns (government spending and debt) and turned that into legislative accomplishments (the biggest wave election--2010's midterms--in decades), Occupy Vancouver likely won't accomplish much. And the question remains why there would be an "occupation" in Vancouver. The American protests are a result of rampant and record-high unemployment, huge government debt, record-busting deficits, and a left-wing President who has failed and crushed the expectations of his liberal supporters. I don't quite see what the parallels are in Vancouver for all these iPhone clad, Arts Degree-holding, Save-the-Whale-chanting complainers.
There are real problems facing us, what with our economy weakening and our housing market bubbling, but these occupations, whether on Wall Street or in Vancouver, are't going to do anything to move us forward.
On the topic of Occupy Vancouver, I can’t help but think that at this point in time is when it either dies or takes off, but that’s really just my opinion. Although I did find a post worth sharing not too long ago, so if you’re into a bit more info/opinion, here’s an article I can recommend (linkage if you’re interested in a peek: http://www.pressdisplay.com/pressdisplay/showlink.aspx?bookmarkid=AGGNELWDFRS6&preview=article&linkid=eec93925-dc6c-4e7e-a931-8516ac55dbd9&pdaffid=ZVFwBG5jk4Kvl9OaBJc5%2bg%3d%3d Cheers!
To get an idea of the character of the protest one need look no further than the speakers' list:
David Malmo-Levine (Drug war historian)
Jens Skovgaard (Canadian Action Party)
Chris Bennett (Author cannabis and the soma solution, owner Urban Shaman)
Jamie Scott (Truth Party)
Paul Glumaz (Larouche PAC)
Paul Grignon (Money as Debt) Prefers 1PM
Greg Renouf (Take Money Out)
Tim Moorley (Lead plaintiff against Pfizer)
Betty Krawczyk (Eagle Bluffs Activist, Women’s Party)
Claudia Medina (Life After Growth)
Zeno Serban (Grade 12 student)
Ian Beeching (Stop War, International Socialists)
Seth Klein (Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives)
Dave Christie (LYM Congressional Candidate)
Laila Yuile (Freelance Writer)
Joshua Blakeney (Scholar, activist -geopolitics)
David Eby (BCCLA)
Tania Fiolleau (Save the Women)
Translation: Political nutcases, drug legalization nutcases, conspiracy theorist nutcases, anti-war nutcases, socialist nutcases (this may be redundant), save-the-trees nutcases...see the pattern? As a matter of fact they actually booed Eco-poseur David Suzuki - not flaky enough for this crowd.
"...free Mark Emery"! I plotzed. Fun-neee.
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