Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Ultimate Simpsons Episode Competition

A bit of a departure from my usual topics, but my office is swept up in Simpsons fever with the launch of the Ultimate Simpsons Episode Competition!

Me and my fellow office Simpsons fan have identified 16 key Simpsons episodes which will compete against each other in the fight to earn the title of Ultimate Simpsons Episode!

Albeit, the judging will be completely subjective and open to all kinds of personal biases, but here we go!

Here are the 16 episodes that will be competing:

Simpsons Go to Australia VS Cape Fear

Homer Badman (Gummi Venus De Milo) VS The Krusty Special

Deep Space Homer VS Homer: Union Boss

Monorail VS Behind the Laughter

A Streetcar Named Marge VS A Fish Called Selma

The Stonecutters VS Bobo:Mr. Burns' Bear

Homer vs New York VS The Chowder Episode

Mr. Plow VS Secrets of a Successful Marriage (Homer the Teacher)

So, how's the list? Did we miss one? Let us know your thoughts.

1 comment:

Pope said...

Those are great! How about "There's No Disgrace Like Home"? The shock therapy scene is hilarious.