Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Great Double Standard

I have been shocked in the last few weeks at the outrageous double standard that is present in the media coverage of the US election. The media has lashed out at everything Sarah Palin and John McCain do while ignoring negative stories about Obama.
The media was quick to report that there was a shout of "kill him" at a Palin rally when she mentioned Obama's name. For sure, this is a disgusting comment. Or, rather, it would have been, had it actually occurred. The Secret Service investigated and found no evidence of it. Secret Service agents were at the Scranton rally and heard no such thing. Agents also investigated claims made about a Florida rally, where "kill him" was indeed yelled, but directed clearly at Bill Ayers, the domestic terrorist. This fact was not only unreported, it was distorted so that it appeared the comment was directed at Obama.
The media was quick to pounce on the "kill him" report and it flooded newscasts, websites and magazines. Now that it turns out the two stories that started it all didn't happen, the media has been remarkably absent in setting the record straight. They have also been absent in covering the numerous attacks on Palin, from the Obama supporters' crude tshirts, to the warning by comedian Sandra Bernhard that Palin would get gang raped if she went to New York to the art exhibit where you can grab a gun and pretend to shoot her.
Where is the outrage over these examples? If a conservative comedian or radio host warned that Obama should stay out of Alabama lest he be beaten and hung, would the media be silent? If there was an art exhibit where you could "assassinate" Obama, would the media ignore it? This is outrageous! These are just a few examples of a double standard that is both unfair to the McCain campaign and to the American voters, who deserve a balanced and unbiased news media.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The media will never report honestly on Obama because 1) they don't know how to report critically on a minority candidate without fear of having to deal with upset readers pulling the race card without have grounds to do so; and 2) they've invested so much in a successful Obama candidacy that to criticise him now would be to admit THEIR OWN failure. And journalists NEVER DO THAT!