Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Absolutely Despicable Uproar Over the RFK Comment

Despite the words that will follow, I am speechless. Hillary Clinton recently commented that the non-stop calls for her to quit the race are unprecedented, noting that her husband's last competitor didn't drop out until June in 1992 and that Robert Kennedy was still actively campaigning in June when he was assassinated. These are just two examples of nomination races continuing into June. There are many more examples of such and other exaples of nominations that went to the convention with a much greater difference in delegates than exists today between Obama and Clinton. From this simple, innocent explanation, the media, the rabid Obama supporters and the mindless pundits have discerned that Hillary made a gaffe: she exposed that she's staying in this race because Obama may get killed.
This is sick. To twist and distort this statement to seem like Hillary Clinton is simply awaiting the assassin's bullet is disgusting. I can not believe the reaction to this. This is not a gaffe, it's not a mistake. It's history. Since when is mentioning that RFK was assassinated unacceptable? It happened. We all know it. To outlaw mentioning it is nonsense.
The less-vicious media argued that it was distasteful that she mentioned it in light of the recent health news regarding Ted Kennedy, Robert's brother. Well, why is there no anger over Vanity Fair's current cover which is emblazoned with Robert Kennedy's face. Where is the anger over all the politicians and pundits who gave eulogies despite the fact that Ted Kennedy is still alive? Why was CNN not equally angry that Sanjay Gupta went through a brain scan to illustrate exactly what Ted Kennedy's tumor looks like. But there was no anger over those. The anger, the resentment, the coverage was reserved for Hillary Clinton. She was the one to be crucified for this and the media, the Obama supporters, the pundits, were ready and eager to do so. I can only shake my head in disgust and despair.
I refuse to waste any more energy discussing this mind-boggling display. I am ashamed. I am angry. This is despicable.


jbjd said...

Just so you know, having perused several other blogs, I can assure you, you are not alone in your contempt for this staged upset at these comments in May, which induced no reaction at all in March when similar comments appeared in print, in Newsweek.

Kim said...

Completely agree. The media's spite this weekend over the 1968 analogy was illogical and ludicrous. They clearly got 'played' by Senator Obama who needed a headline this weekend. The media now looks baited and foolish.

artscallion said...

True. The most ridiculous part of her statement had nothing to do with assassination. The most ridiculous thing was using those two particular campaign seasons in comparison to the current one.

Both of those primaries, 1968 and 1992 began in mid-march and only included 15 states, not like the current primary season which began on Jan 3rd and will include all 50.

Plus, her husband had already effectively won well before the June primary in CA. All his opponents had dropped out and the only thing CA did was give him the official number of delegates needed.

There are actually much more appropriate comparisons she could have made. So, like it or not, it does make people wonder why she chose these two. And why she felt the need to even use the word assassination when mentioning it.

PS...I was a Hillary supporter until recently.

artscallion said...

AND....can I ask what you all have to say about the fact that the Clinton camp was the first to send out emails to the press on the bittergate comment? and the ridiculous uproar over Michelle Obama's statements? Who fanned those fires?

Apparently, there's too much heat in the kitchen? She better get out, if she can't stand it. Is she a fighter or a victim this week? I forget.

Mark In Irvine said...
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Mark In Irvine said...

I respectfully disagree: Mrs. Clinton is no dummy - she thinks carefully before she opens her mouth to say anything. If she didn't intend to inject the specter of assassination into this race, why didn't she pick some other example of a mid-June event that threw the nominating race into turmoil?

May 26, 2008 12:17 PM