Monday, May 19, 2008

What's Up Joe?

A question I have been pondering for a while and which has never been answered is why has Joe Biden not endorsed Hillary Clinton. For this entire primary process, a process he droped out of early, he has sat firmly on the fencepost, never making a decision to go one way or the other. But Biden and Clinton clearly have a good relationship, both have served in the Senate together, and much was made of their sitting together during the state of the union address. The bait was there, but Biden never bit. Why not? Biden seems to mesh well with Hillary and his recent habit of coming to the defense of Obama on foreign policy issues rings insincere to me. We'll likely never know why Biden didn't endorse. It likely doesn't matter. None of the democratic drop-outs were able to make much of a splash with their endorsements, especially Edwards. I don't care what the pundits say about the headline-stealing power of his late move, it would have been much more effective if he had chosen earlier and perhaps driven some of his white, working class supporters to Obama. Oh well, most endorsements don't matter. Biden's likely wouldn't have. It's just funny why he never made the move, never made a commitment one way or the other. Decisiveness is a quality Joe, and it's certainly one we look for in a President.

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