Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Turning of the Tide

When Hillary Clinton won the Pennsylvania primary on April 22, she claimed that the tide was turning in the race to be the democratic presidential nominee. Now, a week and a half later and only 5 days before the Indiana and North Carolina primaries, it seems she may have been right.
Polls have been showing a tightening of the race between Obama and Clinton. Clinton is now only 1 point behind Obama in a new national poll by CNN
And according to a new Gallup poll, Obama trails Clinton by 4 points and Clinton does better in a direct match up with John McCain.
Finally, over on their poll average for Indiana now has Clinton up by nearly 5 points and Obama's lead in North Carolina has shrunk to just over 7 points from 15 points in early April.
If these trends continue, the tide has certainly changed in Clinton's favour. And if she is able to tighten up the N.C. race, it will be seen as a victory. But if she somehow manages to win North Carolina then the Obama campaign would be in real trouble and I mean ship-hits-an-iceberg-and-there's-not-enough-lifeboats kind of trouble.


Anee said...

Yes, the tide is turning and the idiots in the DNC are so stupid that they would rather give the nomination to Obama and certainly lose the General Election than admit they were wrong to shove this idiot Obama down our throats.
Snobama has no one to blame but himself for this disaster. He can't blame Clinton because the words came out of his mouth. Typical of these arrogant elitist to blame others for their own mistakes.

Unknown said...

THe problem for HIllary is that she cannot win the nomination before Denver. I don't see a scenario in which Obama, still leading in delegates, withdraws. Even is she wins all remaining contests, why would he withdraw? SHe didn't when she lost 11 in a row!.

So yes, he won't be able to seal it before June 3rd, but she certainly won't do it before August 30th.

Against whom will she campaing in June and July? Will she run ads against Obama or McCain?